T. Vijay Kumar
Adviser - Muse India
One of the founding editors of Muse India, Dr T Vijay Kumar is Professor of English and Joint Director, Osmania University Centre for International Programmes (OUCIP). His research interests include postcolonial literatures, the Indian literary diaspora, translation, and educational television.
He has co-edited Focus India: Postcolonial Narratives of the Nation (2007) and translated into English (with C Vijayasree) an early twentieth century Telugu classic Kanyasulkam (2002). He makes literature and language related programmes for radio and television, and is associated with several award-winning television programmes and documentary films. He has interviewed several writers for print and electronic media. He has received several international honours including Fellow Oxford Seminar (2000), Treasurer ACLALS (Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies; 2001–2004), and Visiting Scholar, Kansas State University (2011).
Vijay Kumar is one of the directors of the Hyderabad Literary Festival.