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Volume 1 : Issue 2

ISSN: 2454-9495

Editorial Column

So we are here finally with the Spring Issue, (Vol.1, issue 2) of Caesurae: Poetics of Cultural Translation.


Any creative enterprise is like a flow of thoughts and ideas. Caesurae warmly welcomes the new members and with them new ideas. We welcome the academicians, writers and musicians who have volunteered to be part of the Board, to share our dreams and projects.


As this is an e journal, which engages in the aesthetic discourse on cultural translation, the journal is also about an innovative presentation through web-designing. We are thankful to our founder member, young Surjo for the e journal’s presentation.


This issue, along with “Mana”, “Ekhphrases”, “Interventions” and other links, has for its special feature, the “Fugue and the Fugal”, which we hope will engage the readers with an interdisciplinary, cross-cultural discourse. This issue also introduces, Spring Rhythm, for the students, who wish to share their art, ideas and music with us. We also have our own “Store”, where we would like to share the books, CDs and DVDs of the Caesurae members and those that you suggest, with the world. Please do e mail us the details and links of your books, CDs and DVDs at for inclusion. We also request you to order your copies, from the Store link, as we are partners with Flipkart  for these books, CDs and DVDs, and this will support us a good deal.


Please register with a password to view all contents. While registration is free, we request membership subscriptions for the “Caesurae Collective Society”, the organization related to the E- Journal, which holds literary and musical workshops, cultural programmes etc, from time to time. Anybody interested to showcase one’s work, or to participate in the activities of the organization will need to register oneself as a member with subscriptions. Contributions to any of the sections of the journal however is free.


Yearly Subscriptions for Membership:


Academicians:  $ 45


Musicians: $ 20


Student Membership: $ 10

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