Volume 1 : Issue 2
ISSN: 2454-9495
Shivani Jha

On the wet ground
Somebody had come
When I slept
Had left too
Little sparrows
Bobbed their heads
Searched into the grass
As I had searched into
The silent black night
It was yesterday she talked
The beautiful tree
Femininity incarnate
Wearing pearls of orange
A few steps awaken
Trace each direction
The sun hides behind the clouds
The unborn child
Chipped nail polish
Must be concealed by another coat
None should see the wrenched heart
Of her lover and her mother
Poles apart, she a cork caught
Stands daintily
Smiles at times
In a storm
They sat, ate, chewed, maligned
Dark eyes flashed wildly
To criticism
Unawares she sits
In a corner
in her thoughts
Her self being dissembled
in some room
of the dark corridors
I look up
He stands there
Just one look, Love
And you know we know
I need not say anything more
I need not do anything more
Our love is like a plant
With its roots dead.
About the Poet:
Shivani Jha teaches in a college affiliated to Delhi University.